hppsdr.exe is an executable data that arrives as a part of HP LaserJet Professional P1100-P1560-P1600 Series which is a software program made by Hewlett-Packard which is normally abbreviated as HP.
What is Hppsdr.exe Process (HP Print) Information
In this article, you can know about hppsdr exe here are the details below;
Usually, the hppsdr.exe file is safe but in some case, the defective.exe files might bring a virus which will ultimately affect you PC’s general efficiency and trigger serious damage to your PC. So you should check out the whole post to learn about the hppsdr.exe file. Also check wix logo maker.
Whats making use of hppsdr?
hppsdr.exe file comes from the HP Print and Scan Doctor software that becomes part of the HP Printer. This tool is utilized to repair any type of issue that a user might face while using the HP printer.
File Size & Location
When you set up the HP printer motorist on your system then hppsdr.exe will be set up under C: \ Program data \ hp \ hp laserjet p1100 series \ & the file size could be approx 8.27 MB in Windows system:
- File Name: hppsdr.exe.
- File Description: HP Webpack.
- File Location: C: \ Business data \ hp \ hp laserjet p1100 file \.
- File Size:8.27 MB (can change depending upon the version ).
Publisher: Hewlett Packard.
You can see the homes of any such file by right-clicking on the preferred file then simply choosing the Properties alternative.
Note: hppsdr.exe is not a Windows system data i.e. it does not come preloaded with windows based PC. Also check 6 screen monitor setup.
Is hppsdr.exe safe or a Virus?
The most fundamental factor that will help you choose whether a file is malware or not is its area on your windows-based laptop/desktop. If hppsdr.exe does are not run from “C: \ Program Files \ hp \ hp laserjet p1100 series \” then there is a high opportunity that hppsdr.exe is an infection. In such scenarios, you should try to delete or uninstall it from your PC.
In order to make certain, open the Task Manager, go to View– > Select Columns and choose “Image Path Name” to add a path area to your Task Manager. Now if you discover any other directory site aside from the safe directory then you should even more try to remove it from your system.
Common error.
Usually, Hppsdr.exe doesn’t show any error message, but if the file is damaged then it might show the below message:.
1.Hppsdr.exe has quit working. Windows is looking for a service to the problem … (typically seen in Windows 10, 8, 7).
2.Hppsdr.exe has actually experienced a problem and needs to close. (This error message is typically seen in Windows XP).
3.Hppsdr.exe is not a WIN32 application.
- Failed to load.
How to eliminate hppsdr from the system?
You should have an extremely strong reason to delete/uninstall a.exe file due to the fact that erasing a.exe file may indirectly impact every software application or programs associated with it. So you need to make sure that the.exe file is of no use or is malware.
Follow the actions below to remove/uninstall hppsdr.exe from your workstation.
Step 1: Press the Windows + R button together.
Step 2: Now type ‘control’ in the area of RUN and struck Enter to open Control Panel.
Step 3: Now in the Control Panel Window discover and open Programs and Features.
Note: Programs and Features consist of a list of all the programs set up on your system.
Step 4: Now among all the installed programs you need to find the HP LaserJet Professional P1100-P1560-P1600 Series.
Keep in mind: If you can not discover it you can manually enter the search bar available at the top right corner of the Programs and Features window.
Step 5: Now after you discover it just right-click on it and then click on Uninstall/Change and then follow the triggers in order.
Step 6: Restart your PC.
That’s it if you have actually followed those steps carefully then most likely you need to uninstall hppsdr.ex securely from your computer. To be sure simply go to the area where you formerly found hppsdr.exp and see if there is a file with the same name. Also check path of exile trade.
This is all you need to understand about the hppsdr.exe file.
How to Download hppsdr.exe?
In case the HP printer is not working due to a corrupt hppsdr.exe file then you may download it from the official website. You might download the most recent variation of hppsdr.exe from HP main website.